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About Us

Preparing humanity to benefit from fusion energy generators with the power of artificial intelligence and superconductivity.

Our Mission

Our goal is to create a future where energy is clean and abundant for everyone. We do this by combining the best of nature and technology sustainably and efficiently. This requires a holistic approach, considering our many challenges in overcoming our energy gap.

We concentrate our innovation and development activities on five core domains: clean transportation, grid infrastructure, energy storage, intelligent software, and renewable power generation. These enable us to realize our pure energy vision for a better tomorrow.

Power Manufacturing

Energy Solutions

We shall not shy away from ambitious objectives but rather demonstrate their feasibility by tackling them from a myriad of perspectives:

  • Clean Transportation

  • Grid Infrastructure

  • Energy Storage

  • Modern Software

  • Renewable Power Generation

Abundant energy for all.

Our Vision

We are building a greener tomorrow through our actions today. To realize this vision, we need to plan and execute effective strategies. We need to innovate in technology, methods, and systems. This forward-looking mindset guides us to transform the world for a better future.


Our ventures demonstrate our commitment to exploring the most promising technologies in our five key energy solutions areas. Meanwhile, the initiatives we undertake to enact change are how we contribute to the world with tangible impact today.

Achieving Net Zero


Our initiatives demonstrate our unwavering dedication to the development of human energy solutions. 


Find out how we are leading the global energy transition with a combination of revolutionary technologies.

Taking Action

We follow our company credo, which defines our guiding principles, to exemplify excellent business professionalism. This helps us build and sustain productive and harmonious partnerships with some of the world's best companies and individuals with similar goals and values.


Our top priority is to engage with the public in a way that promotes a strong flow of investment in emerging technologies set to impact the global energy transition positively. We must ensure the public is informed of the most promising technologies and ideas for granting us mastery of our energy production. This is why we have dedicated ourselves to improving the energy efficiency of communities worldwide by promoting access to sustainable energy solutions. We value four core pillars, synonymous with mottos, that drive our principles and duties as an organization.

One of our initiatives is REC or the Responsible Energy Consumption Initiative. This initiative highlights our resourcefulness as a company. We know a fine line between resourcefulness and greed and walk that line with the most remarkable balance.

The global energy transition requires openness and communication between those involved in the energy industry and society. Invite, integrate, and improve. This mantra helps drive home that a constructive, reiterative process is necessary to grow the global energy economy to where it needs to be.

Production is something that companies do but which requires resources themselves; giving back can be just as important as operations. We stress reciprocity to maintain a balanced give-and-take between industry and humanity. Our myriad initiatives help us sustainably maintain this balance.

Abide and provide is a mantra that outlines why it is essential to use the agreed-upon company code of conduct and credo as a guiding principle: abide. In this way, we can provide for society as a united group and contribute with sound business practices in mind and through exercise.

As an organization, we have a responsibility towards our constituents worldwide. We must create an inclusive work environment that values intellectual diversity, recognizes merit, and prioritizes employee health and well-being. Compensation must be just, working conditions safe, and all employees should feel comfortable making suggestions or registering complaints. Our leadership must be competent and ethical and treat all employees fairly to achieve these results.

A company is a human community of those who are a part of, enact on behalf of, and are served by such a company. Companies are fluid entities that maintain diversity for survival and adaptability worldwide. We have proven this with the most recent technological revolutions. The future proves that we must go past survival and thrive as a global force of humanity. We do this through the only ground we can agree on, love. Love is the recognition of another as a legitimate other – it is the emotion that expands intelligence. It is our reason, our motivation, our goal, our purpose. Therefore, per this doctrine, we beseech you to abide and provide—Amare omnis.

What is Energy?

Get educated on what exactly energy is, how the energy cycle works, and how we use it.

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Expaning Horizons

Our affiliate companies focuse on the infrastructure that supports energy's foundation.

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